Artificial Intelligence

Theory Course Handout & Lesson Plan

Text/Reference Books

  • E Rich, K Knight, and S B Nair, Artificial Intelligence, 3rd Edition, TMH India.

    • E Charniak and D McDermott, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, 4th Edition, Pearson Education India.

    • A Konar, Computational Intelligence, Springer India.

    • N J Nilson, Principles of Artificial Intelligence, 1st Edition, Narosa India.

Slides Folder

Slides 01: Introduction to AI

Slides 02: Problem Spaces & Search

Slides 03: Heuristic Search Techniques

Slides 04: Knowledge Representation Issues

Slides 05: Knowledge Reprs. using Logic

Slides 06: Knowledge Reprs. using Rules

Slides KR: Extra notes for Slides 04-06

Slides 07: Planning

Slides 08: Understanding

Slides 09: Learning